
LambdaStack how-tos - Kubernetes



See Troubleshooting


You can see from the Troubleshooting link above that the default secruity setup for kubectl is to have sudo rights to run and then to specify the kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf as an additional parameter to kubectl. Also, by default, this only works on the Control Plane nodes. To have it work on Worker nodes or any node in the cluster do the following. Make sure it complies with your Security strategy:

# Control Plane node - Option 2 from link above...

mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
sudo cp /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

Once kubectl is working as desired from a non-root user, you can simply:

  1. Copy the ./kube/config file from the Control Plane node
  2. Create the ./kube directory in the non-root user's home directory and then paste the config file copied in #1
  3. Do this for any node you want to access kubectl on for a given cluster

Supported CNI plugins

LambdaStack supports following CNI plugins:

Flannel is a default setting in LambdaStack configuration.


Calico is not supported on Azure. To have an ability to use network policies, choose Canal.

Use the following configuration to set up an appropriate CNI plugin:

 kind: configuration/kubernetes-master
 name: default
       plugin: flannel

Kubernetes applications - overview

Currently, LambdaStack provides the following predefined applications which may be deployed with lambdastack:

  • ignite
  • rabbitmq
  • auth-service (Keycloak)
  • pgpool
  • pgbouncer
  • istio

All of them have default configuration. The common parameters are: name, enabled, namespace, image_path and use_local_image_registry. If you set use_local_image_registry to false in configuration manifest, you have to provide a valid docker image path in image_path. Kubernetes will try to pull image from image_path value externally.
To see what version of the application image is in local image registry please refer to components list.

Note: The above link points to develop branch. Please choose the right branch that suits to LambdaStackphany version you are using.

How to expose service through HA Proxy load balancer

  1. Create NodePort service type for your application in Kubernetes.

  2. Make sure your service has statically assigned nodePort (a number between 30000-32767), for example 31234. More info here.

  3. Add configuration document for load_balancer/HAProxy to your main config file.

    kind: configuration/haproxy
    title: "HAProxy"
    name: haproxy
        - name: https_front
          port: 443
          https: yes
            - http_back1
        - name: http_back1
            - kubernetes_node
          port: 31234
    provider: <your-provider-here-replace-it>
  4. Run lambdastack apply.

How to do Kubernetes RBAC

Kubernetes that comes with LambdaStack has an admin account created, you should consider creating more roles and accounts - especially when having many deployments running on different namespaces.

To know more about RBAC in Kubernetes use this link

How to run an example app

Here we will get a simple app to run using Docker through Kubernetes. We assume you are using Windows 10, have an LambdaStack cluster on Azure ready and have an Azure Container Registry ready (might not be created in early version LambdaStack clusters. If you don't have one you can skip to point no 11 and test the cluster using some public app from the original Docker Registry). Steps with asterisk can be skipped.

  1. Install Chocolatey

  2. Use Chocolatey to install:

    • Docker-for-windows (choco install docker-for-windows, requires Hyper-V)
    • Azure-cli (choco install azure-cli)
  3. Make sure Docker for Windows is running (run as admin, might require a restart)

  4. Run docker build -t sample-app:v1 . in examples/dotnet/lambdastack-web-app.

  5. *For test purposes, run your image locally with docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name myapp sample-app:v1 and head to localhost:8080 to check if it's working.

  6. *Stop your local docker container with: docker stop myapp and run docker rm myapp to delete the container.

  7. *Now that you have a working docker image we can proceed to the deployment of the app on the LambdaStack Kubernetes cluster.

  8. Run docker login myregistry.azurecr.io -u myUsername -p myPassword to login into your Azure Container Registry. Credentials are in the Access keys tab in your registry.

  9. Tag your image with: docker tag sample-app:v1 myregistry.azurecr.io/samples/sample-app:v1

  10. Push your image to the repo: docker push myregistry.azurecr.io/samples/sample-app:v1

  11. SSH into your LambdaStack clusters master node.

  12. *Run kubectl cluster-info and kubectl config view to check if everything is okay.

  13. Run kubectl create secret docker-registry myregistry --docker-server myregistry.azurecr.io --docker-username myusername --docker-password mypassword to create k8s secret with your registry data.

  14. Create sample-app.yaml file with contents:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: sample-app
          app: sample-app
      replicas: 2
            app: sample-app
          - name: sample-app
            image: myregistry.azurecr.io/samples/sample-app:v1
            - containerPort: 80
                cpu: 100m
                memory: 64Mi
                memory: 128Mi
          - name: myregistry
  15. Run kubectl apply -f sample-app.yaml, and after a minute run kubectl get pods to see if it works.

  16. Run kubectl expose deployment sample-app --type=NodePort --name=sample-app-nodeport, then run kubectl get svc sample-app-nodeport and note the second port.

  17. Run kubectl get pods -o wide and check on which node is the app running.

  18. Access the app through [AZURE_NODE_VM_IP]:[PORT] from the two previous points - firewall changes might be needed.

How to set resource requests and limits for Containers

When Kubernetes schedules a Pod, it’s important that the Containers have enough resources to actually run. If you schedule a large application on a node with limited resources, it is possible for the node to run out of memory or CPU resources and for things to stop working! It’s also possible for applications to take up more resources than they should.

When you specify a Pod, it is strongly recommended to specify how much CPU and memory (RAM) each Container needs. Requests are what the Container is guaranteed to get. If a Container requests a resource, Kubernetes will only schedule it on a node that can give it that resource. Limits make sure a Container never goes above a certain value. For more details about the difference between requests and limits, see Resource QoS.

For more information, see the links below:

How to run CronJobs

NOTE: Examples have been moved to their own repo but they are not visible at the moment.

  1. Follow the previous point using examples/dotnet/LambdaStack.SampleApps/LambdaStack.SampleApps.CronApp

  2. Create cronjob.yaml file with contents:

    apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
    kind: CronJob
      name: sample-cron-job
      schedule: "*/1 * * * *"   # Run once a minute
      failedJobsHistoryLimit: 5
              - name: sample-cron-job
                image: myregistry.azurecr.io/samples/sample-cron-app:v1
              restartPolicy: OnFailure
              - name: myregistrysecret
  3. Run kubectl apply -f cronjob.yaml, and after a minute run kubectl get pods to see if it works.

  4. Run kubectl get cronjob sample-cron-job to get status of our cron job.

  5. Run kubectl get jobs --watch to see job scheduled by the “sample-cron-job” cron job.

How to test the monitoring features

Prerequisites: LambdaStack cluster on Azure with at least a single VM with prometheus and grafana roles enabled.

  1. Copy ansible inventory from build/lambdastack/*/inventory/ to examples/monitoring/

  2. Run ansible-playbook -i NAME_OF_THE_INVENTORY_FILE grafana.yml in examples/monitoring

  3. In the inventory file find the IP adress of the node of the machine that has grafana installed and head over to https://NODE_IP:3000 - you might have to head over to Portal Azure and allow traffic to that port in the firewall, also ignore the possible certificate error in your browser.

  4. Head to Dashboards/Manage on the side panel and select Kubernetes Deployment metrics - here you can see a sample kubernetes monitoring dashboard.

  5. Head to http://NODE_IP:9090 to see Prometheus UI - there in the dropdown you have all of the metrics you can monitor with Prometheus/Grafana.

How to run chaos on LambdaStack Kubernetes cluster and monitor it with Grafana

  1. SSH into the Kubernetes master.

  2. Copy over chaos-sample.yaml file from the example folder and run it with kubectl apply -f chaos-sample.yaml - it takes code from github.com/linki/chaoskube so normal security concerns apply.

  3. Run kubectl create clusterrolebinding chaos --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=system:serviceaccount:default:default to start the chaos - random pods will be terminated with 5s ferquency, configurable inside the yaml file.

  4. Head over to Grafana at https://NODE_IP:3000, open a new dashboard, add a panel, set Prometheus as a data source and put kubelet_running_pod_count in the query field - now you can see how Kubernetes is replacing killed pods and balancing them between the nodes.

  5. Run kubectl get svc nginx-service and note the second port. You can access the nginx page via [ANY_CLUSTER_VM_IP]:[PORT] - it is accessible even though random pods carrying it are constantly killed at random, unless you have more vms in your cluster than deployed nginx instances and choose IP of one not carrying it.

How to test the central logging features

Prerequisites: LambdaStack cluster on Azure with at least a single VM with elasticsearch, kibana and filebeat roles enabled.

  1. Connect to kubectl using kubectl proxy or directly from Kubernetes master server

  2. Apply from LambdaStack repository extras/kubernetes/pod-counter pod-counter.yaml with command: kubectl apply -f yourpath_to_pod_counter/pod-counter.yaml

    Paths are system dependend so please be aware of applying correct separator for your operatins system.

  3. In the inventory file find the IP adress of the node of the machine that has kibana installed and head over to http://NODE_IP:5601 - you might have to head over to Portal Azure and allow traffic to that port in the firewall.

  4. You can right now search for data from logs in Discover section in Kibana after creating filebeat-* index pattern. To create index pattern click Discover, then in Step 1: Define index pattern as filebeat-*. Then click Next step. In Step 2: Configure settings click Create index pattern. Right now you can go to Discover section and look at output from your logs.

  5. You can verify if CounterPod is sending messages correctly and filebeat is gathering them correctly querying for CounterPod in search field in Discover section.

  6. For more informations refer to documentation: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/kibana/current/index.html

How to tunnel Kubernetes Dashboard from remote kubectl to your PC

  1. SSH into server, and forward port 8001 to your machine ssh -i ls_keys/id_rsa operations@ -L 8001:localhost:8001 NOTE: substitute IP with your cluster master's IP.

  2. On remote host: get admin token bearer: kubectl describe secret $(kubectl get secrets --namespace=kube-system | grep admin-user | awk '{print $1}') --namespace=kube-system | grep -E '^token' | awk '{print $2}' | head -1 NOTE: save this token for next points.

  3. On remote host, open proxy to the dashboard kubectl proxy

  4. Now on your local machine navigate to http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kubernetes-dashboard/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/

  5. When prompted to put in credentials, use admin token from the previous point.

How to run Keycloak on Kubernetes

  1. Enable Kubernetes master & node, repository and postgresql components in initial configuration manifest (yaml) by encreasing count value.
kind: lambdastack-cluster
title: LambdaStack Cluster Config
provider: azure
name: default
build_path: '' # Dynamically built
      count: 1
      count: 1
      count: 2
      count: 2
  1. Enable applications in feature-mapping in initial configuration manifest.
kind: configuration/feature-mapping
title: Feature mapping to roles
name: default
  - _merge: true
  - name: applications
    enabled: true
  1. Enable required applications by setting enabled: true and adjust other parameters in configuration/applications kind.

The default applications configuration available here

Note: To get working with Pgbouncer, Keycloak requires Pgbouncer configuration parametr POOL_MODE set to session, see Installing Pgbouncer and Pgpool section. The reason is that Keycloak uses SET SQL statements. For details see SQL feature map for pooling modes.

kind: configuration/applications
title: Kubernetes Applications Config
name: default
  - _merge: true
  - name: auth-service
    enabled: true
    image_path: lambdastack/keycloak:14.0.0
    use_local_image_registry: true
      name: as-testauthdb
      port: 30104
      replicas: 2
      namespace: namespace-for-auth
      admin_user: auth-service-username
      admin_password: PASSWORD_TO_CHANGE
      name: auth-database-name
      user: auth-db-user
      password: PASSWORD_TO_CHANGE

To set specific database host IP address for Keyclock you have to provide additional parameter address:


Note: If database address is not specified, lambdastack assumes that database instance doesn't exist and will create it.

By default, if database address is not specified and if Postgres is HA mode, Keycloak uses PGBouncer ClusterIP service name as database address.
If Postgres is in standalone mode, and database address is not specified, then it uses first Postgres host address from inventory.

  1. Run lambdastack apply on your configuration manifest.

  2. Log into GUI

Note: Accessing the Keycloak GUI depends on your configuration.

By default, LambdaStack provides the following K8s Services for Keycloak: Headless and NodePort. The simplest way for reaching GUI is to use ssh tunnel with forwarding NodePort.
ssh -L 30104:localhost:30104 user@target_host -i ssh_key

If you need your GUI accesible outside, you would have to change your firewall rules.

GUI should be reachable at: https://localhost:30104/auth