Kafka options
less than a minute
The content of the kafka.yml
file is listed for reference only
kind: configuration/kafka
title: "Kafka"
name: default
enabled: True
admin: kafka
admin_pwd: LambdaStack
# javax_net_debug: all # uncomment to activate debugging, other debug options: https://colinpaice.blog/2020/04/05/using-java-djavax-net-debug-to-examine-data-flows-including-tls/
enabled: False
port: 9093
local_cert_download_path: kafka-certs
keystore_location: /var/private/ssl/kafka.server.keystore.jks
truststore_location: /var/private/ssl/kafka.server.truststore.jks
cert_validity: 365
keystore: PasswordToChange
truststore: PasswordToChange
key: PasswordToChange
endpoint_identification_algorithm: HTTPS
client_auth: required
encrypt_at_rest: False
inter_broker_protocol: PLAINTEXT
enabled: False
authorizer_class_name: kafka.security.auth.SimpleAclAuthorizer
allow_everyone_if_no_acl_found: False
- tester01
- tester02
- name: test_user
topic: test_topic
enabled: False
authentication_method: certificates
sasl_enabled_mechanisms: PLAIN
sha: "b28e81705e30528f1abb6766e22dfe9dae50b1e1e93330c880928ff7a08e6b38ee71cbfc96ec14369b2dfd24293938702cab422173c8e01955a9d1746ae43f98"
port: 9092
min_insync_replicas: 1 # Minimum number of replicas (ack write)
default_replication_factor: 1 # Minimum number of automatically created topics
offsets_topic_replication_factor: 1 # Minimum number of offsets topic (consider higher value for HA)
num_recovery_threads_per_data_dir: 1 # Minimum number of recovery threads per data dir
num_replica_fetchers: 1 # Minimum number of replica fetchers
replica_fetch_max_bytes: 1048576
replica_socket_receive_buffer_bytes: 65536
partitions: 8 # 100 x brokers x replicas for reasonable size cluster. Small clusters can be less
log_retention_hours: 168 # The minimum age of a log file to be eligible for deletion due to age
log_retention_bytes: -1 # -1 is no size limit only a time limit (log_retention_hours). This limit is enforced at the partition level, multiply it by the number of partitions to compute the topic retention in bytes.
offset_retention_minutes: 10080 # Offsets older than this retention period will be discarded
heap_opts: "-Xmx2G -Xms2G"
opts: "-Djavax.net.debug=all"
max_incremental_fetch_session_cache_slots: 1000
controlled_shutdown_enable: true
group: kafka
user: kafka
conf_dir: /opt/kafka/config
data_dir: /var/lib/kafka
log_dir: /var/log/kafka
network_threads: 3 # The number of threads handling network requests
io_threads: 8 # The number of threads doing disk I/O
send_buffer_bytes: 102400 # The send buffer (SO_SNDBUF) used by the socket server
receive_buffer_bytes: 102400 # The receive buffer (SO_RCVBUF) used by the socket server
request_max_bytes: 104857600 # The maximum size of a request that the socket server will accept (protection against OOM)
zookeeper_set_acl: false
zookeeper_hosts: "{{ groups['zookeeper']|join(':2181,') }}:2181"
jmx_exporter_user: jmx-exporter
jmx_exporter_group: jmx-exporter
prometheus_jmx_path: /opt/jmx-exporter/jmx_prometheus_javaagent.jar
prometheus_jmx_exporter_web_listen_port: 7071
prometheus_jmx_config: /opt/kafka/config/jmx-kafka.config.yml
prometheus_config_dir: /etc/prometheus
"job": "jmx-kafka"
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