
Prometheus options

The content of the prometheus.yml file is listed for reference only

kind: configuration/prometheus
title: "Prometheus"
name: default
  config_directory: "/etc/prometheus"
    data_directory: "/var/lib/prometheus"
  config_flags:                                                            # Parameters that Prometheus service will be started with.
    - "--config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml"                       # Directory should be the same as "config_directory"
    - "--storage.tsdb.path=/var/lib/prometheus"                            # Directory should be the same as "storage.data_directory"
    - "--storage.tsdb.retention.time=180d"                                 # Data retention time for metrics
    - "--storage.tsdb.retention.size=20GB"                                 # Data retention size for metrics
    - "--web.console.libraries=/etc/prometheus/console_libraries"          # Directory should be the same as "config_directory"
    - "--web.console.templates=/etc/prometheus/consoles"                   # Directory should be the same as "config_directory"
    - "--web.listen-address="                                  # Address that Prometheus console will be available
    - "--web.enable-admin-api"                                             # Enables administrative HTTP API
  metrics_path: "/metrics"
  scrape_interval : "15s"
  scrape_timeout: "10s"
  evaluation_interval: "10s"
  remote_write: []
  remote_read: []
    enable: false # To make Alertmanager working, you have to enable it and define receivers and routes
      common: true
      container: false
      kafka: false
      node: false
      postgresql: false
      prometheus: false
    # config: # Configuration for Alertmanager, it will be passed to Alertmanager service.
    #   # Full list of configuration fields
    #   global:
    #     resolve_timeout: 5m
    #     smtp_from: ""
    #     smtp_smarthost: "smtp-url:smtp-port"
    #     smtp_auth_username: ""
    #     smtp_auth_password: "your-smtp-password"
    #     smtp_require_tls: True
    #   route:
    #     group_by: ['alertname']
    #     group_wait: 10s
    #     group_interval: 10s
    #     repeat_interval: 1h
    #     receiver: 'email' # Default receiver, change if another is set to default
    #     routes: # Example routes, names need to match 'name' field of receiver
    #       - match_re:
    #           severity: critical
    #         receiver: opsgenie
    #         continue: true
    #       - match_re:
    #           severity: critical
    #         receiver: pagerduty
    #         continue: true
    #       - match_re:
    #           severity: info|warning|critical
    #         receiver: slack
    #         continue: true
    #       - match_re:
    #           severity: warning|critical
    #         receiver: email
    #   receivers: # example configuration for receivers # api_url:
    #     - name: 'email'
    #       email_configs:
    #         - to: ""
    #     - name: 'slack'
    #       slack_configs:
    #         - api_url: "your-slack-integration-url"
    #     - name: 'pagerduty'
    #       pagerduty_configs:
    #         - service_key: "your-pagerduty-service-key"
    #     - name: 'opsgenie'
    #       opsgenie_config:
    #         api_key: <secret> | default = global.opsgenie_api_key
    #         api_url: <string> | default = global.opsgenie_api_url