Design Docs

This section of the LambdaStack documentation contains references to the design documents used or planned on being used

Some of these date back to older versions but efforts are made to keep the most important - sometimes :)


Desgin docs for ARM processor development


Desgin docs for Autoscaling


Desgin docs for AWS


Desgin docs for Backup

Cache Storage

Desgin docs for Cache Storage


Desgin docs for CI/CD

Command Line

Desgin docs for Command Line (CLI)

Harbor Registry

Desgin docs for Harbor Registry

Health Monitor

Desgin docs for Health Monitor


Desgin docs for Infrastructure

Kubernetes/Vault Integration

Desgin docs for Kubernetes and Vault integration

Kafka Authentication

Desgin docs for Kafka Authentication

Kafka Monitoring Tools

Desgin docs for Kafka Monitoring Tools

Kubernetes HA

Desgin docs for Kubernetes HA

Leader Election Pod

Desgin docs for Leader Election Pod


Desgin docs for Modularization

Offline Upgrade

Desgin docs for Offline Upgrade

Persistence Storage

Desgin docs for Persistence Storage


Desgin docs for PostgreSQL

Ceph (Rook)

Desgin docs for Ceph