Some of these date back to older versions but efforts are made to keep the most important - sometimes :)
LambdaStack Autoscaling
Affected version: 0.7.x
1. Goals
We want to provide automatic scale up / down feature for cloud-based LambdaStack clusters (currently Azure and AWS).
- Clusters will be resized in reaction to the resource utilisation (CPU and Memory).
- Existing LambdaStack automation will be reused and optimized for the purpose of autoscaling.
- Additional nodes will be added (removed) to (from) running Kubernetes clusters.
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaler will be used to control number of pods for particular deployment.
2. Design proposal
PHASE 1: Adding ability to scale-down the pool of worker nodes.
- Current LambdaStack codebase does not allow to scale-down Kubernetes clusters in the nice / proper way.
- This is crucial for autoscaling to work, as we need to properly drain and delete physically-destroyed nodes from Kuberentes.
- Also this step needs to be performed before terraform code is executed (which requires a refactor of lambdastack code).
PHASE 2: Moving terraform's state and lambdastack-cluster-config to a shared place in the cloud.
- Currently LambdaStack keeps state files and cluster configs in the
directories, which causes them not to be shared easily. - To solve the issue, terraform beckends can be used: for Azure and for AWS.
- For simplicity the same "bucket" can be used to store and share lambdastack-cluster-config.
PHASE 3: Building packer images to quickly add new Kubernetes nodes.
- Autoscaling is expected to react reasonably quickly. Providing pre-built images should result in great speed-ups.
- Packer code should be added to the lambdastack codebase somewhere "before" the terraform code executes.
PHASE 4: Realistic provisioning minimalization and speedup.
- Currently LambdaStack's automation takes lots of time to provision clusters.
- Limits and tags can be used to filter-out unnecessary plays from ansible execution (for now, narrowing it just to the Kubernetes node provisioning).
PHASE 5: Adding ability to authenticate and run lambdastack from a pod.
- To be able to execute lambdastack form a running LambdaStack cluster, it is required to deploy SSH keys and cloud access configuration (ie. Service Principal).
- SSH keys can be created and distributed automatically (in Ansible) just for the purpose of autoscaling.
- For now, it seems resonable to store them in Kubernetes secrets (later the Hashicorp Vault will be used).
PHASE 6: Introducing python application that will execute lambdastack from a pod (in reaction to performance metrics) to scale the pool of worker nodes.
- Metrics can be obtained from the metrics server.
- For simplicity, standard CPU / Memory metrics will be used, but later it should be posible to introduce custom metrics taken from Prometheus.
- Best way to package and deploy the application would be to use Helm (v3).
- The docker image for the application can be stored in a public docker registry.
PHASE 7: Introducing standard Horizontal Pod Autoscaler to scale pods in LambdaStack clusters.
- To scale Kubernetes pods in LambdaStack clusters the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler will be used.
- This step will be dependent and the user / customer (user will deploy and configure proper resources inside Kubernetes).